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Using a React node

You can either use the ConsentManagerProvider using a function as children, or a normal ReactNode.

When using the react node, you are only able to use the useConsentManager hook in any children component under the ConsentManagerProvider.

You may want to place it around your cookie banner directly, but be sure to know, that with this strategy, you are not able to open up the cookie banner using our internal technique again.


import { useConsentManager } from "utils/consent-manager";

export default function CookieBanner() {
const { saveConsent } = useConsentManager();

return (
{/* This is a basic example, with only a save button. */}
<button onClick={saveConsent}>Save consent</button>
import { ConsentManagerProvider } from "utils/consent-manager";

const handleConsentSaved = () => {};

export default function App() {
return (
<ConsentManagerProvider onConsentSaved={handleConsentSaved}>
{({ saveConsent }) => <button onClick={saveConsent}>Save consent</button>}